donate to kelly | Kelly For Alaska | From India

donate to kelly

donate to kelly

A donation is a noble act. Kelly Green Global (KGG) is a faith-based ministry so you can stand by us and spend or give your wealth to the welfare of people, which very few people can do. Donations are of various types but one of the best donations is if someone helps the poor by giving them money. Your financial support will go a long way toward human welfare, providing clean water to desperate communities, feeding the hungry abroad, and reaching the lost world with the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Kelly Green Global provides many opportunities each year to share how God is working here in the United States and around the world. We are grateful for the continued prayers and support from you and your friends and partners because without you it would not have been possible and we would not have been able to serve God through our mission and vision.


Donate To Kelly
Donate To Kelly
Donate To Kelly
Donate To Kelly
Donate To Kelly
Donate To Kelly
Donate To Kelly

About: Kelly Green Global (KGG)

Kelly Green Global is a non-profit 501(C)3 tax exempt organization. Any gift you make is tax deductible. If you would like to contribute to KGG's work in the Kingdom, you can do so by mailing a contribution to the address below or by clicking on our online donation button.

Kelly Green Global P.O. Box 949 Brandon, FL 33509-0949

Your financial support will help us provide these services to people such as clean water, healthcare, economic growth and more who are suffering from extreme poverty and illness.

Project Support

Project support is considered a designated gift because it is for a specific project or ministry opportunity. When praying about supporting KGG, God put it on your heart to support a specific need for our mission projects such as Bibles, medical/dental supplies, clean water projects, sewing machines, etc.

Matthew 28:16-20 says, "Jesus came to them and said, 'All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and all that I have commanded you. Teach them to observe it. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." (NIV)

God has called each one of us, to step out in faith in Him and spread the gospel of Jesus Christ. Kelly Green Global seeks to share this message of hope and equip people to reach the world for Christ!

The button below will take you to Kelly Green Global's website where you can make a secure online contribution. Thank you so much in advance for your support to the Kelly Green Global ministry. Your donation helps provide safe water, health care, economic growth and more to people living in extreme poverty and ill health.


In this article, we have given information about Donate To Kelly but we do not support any such site, this article is written for information only.
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